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Programs / Activities

Before/After School Care

Program Leaders:

Heather Cockfield- Administrative Supervisor

Jordan Schaefer- Before Care Supervisor

Amy Aufrecht- After School Supervisor

(985) 845-3328   

Program Details & Information: 

Before Care Hours - 7:20 - 8:20  a.m.  

After Care Hours - 4:15 -  6:00 p.m.      

A late payment fee of $10 will be charged if payment is not received by the 3rd  school day following the due date and the child’s participation will be suspended until payment is received.

If any child is picked up after 6:00 p.m. a fee of $10 every 15 minutes after, per child, will be implemented. 

A registration form, the $10 registration fee and first month’s payment must be received before the student attends.

Students must be signed in and out by an adult who is listed on the emergency contact list.



Before Care - 

5-day program        $100.00 per month 1st child; additional children $50 each

3-day program        $ 60.00 per month 1st child; additional children $30 each


After Care -

5 –day program      $150.00 per month 1st child; additional children $100.00 each

3 –day program      $120.00 per month- 1st  child; additional children $ 50.00 each


**Rates are calculated for the year then divided equally among the 9 months. **

EMERGENCY CONTACTS:    Should an emergency arise, person listed below should be local and available between the hours of 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.  They must also be able to provide some form of identification before your child will be allowed to leave with them.

ELIGIBILITY:  Children must be in grades K-2 at Madisonville Elementary and must be able to use the restroom facilities without adult assistance.

SNACKS:  A small snack is served daily.

ATTENDANCE:  Aftercare services are provided each school day except on the (2) half days of school.  There may be two days during Mardi Gras season that the ASC program will close at 5:00 p.m.  This is due to the Friday parade routes.

Before/After Care Registration Forms Available Here
